Welcome to the business template we hope other companies will use as part of their print mis technology suite. Fundamentals cannot be ignored even by our competition.
Categorically where does this cost center appear?
What is the code of the cost center you wish to create?
What is the name of the cost center you wish to create?
Select a purchase account code
Select a sales account code
Is the product tax exempt?
Is it delivery based? (non functional)
How far up or down would you like to see this in the priority list for internal costing or production? Please enter numeric value between 1000 and 999999. The number 1000 is given the highest priority.
Do not copy to new section.
Would you like to show this cost center on production dockets?
Enter a onetime reference if used as a component of a product e.g. Business Card. Here you may enter something like the name entered above or something like:
Is this product for budgeted hour?
How do you prefer to calculate the unit cost of this product?
This part has been specifically created to help you setup flat percentage mark ups, custom selling rules and options for selling online. Please go through this section with a Print MIS Account Director if you need assistance.
Do you want to add a flat % on top of your costs or do you want to create a custom sell string?
How do you prefer to calculate the unit sell of this product? Here you of have 3 options:
Does this product have a minimum selling price?
Is this to be excluded from the global mark-up?
Special value for other cost centre
What is the source of this product?
If external please specify name of vendor in case a purchase order is required down the links?
Does this product specific for customer?
If customer specific please specify name of customer?
Does this product appear in Quick Quote?
This cost center uses sub total?
Buffer Time?
Would you like to make available online this cost center?
Enter a onetime description as you would like your customers to see on a quotation or order confirmation:
Enter a onetime description as you would like your vendors to see on a quote request or purchase order:
Welcome to the business template we hope other companies will use as part of their print mis technology suite. Fundamentals cannot be ignored even by our competition.
Categorically where does this cost center appear?
What is the code of the cost center you wish to create?
What is the name of the cost center you wish to create?
Select a purchase account code
Select a sales account code
Is the product tax exempt?
Is it delivery based? (non functional)
How far up or down would you like to see this in the priority list for internal costing or production? Please enter numeric value between 1000 and 999999. The number 1000 is given the highest priority.
Do not copy to new section.
Would you like to show this cost center on production dockets?
Enter a onetime reference if used as a component of a product e.g. Business Card. Here you may enter something like the name entered above or something like:
Is this product for budgeted hour?
How do you prefer to calculate the unit cost of this product?
This part has been specifically created to help you setup flat percentage mark ups, custom selling rules and options for selling online. Please go through this section with a Print MIS Account Director if you need assistance.
Do you want to add a flat % on top of your costs or do you want to create a custom sell string?
How do you prefer to calculate the unit sell of this product? Here you of have 3 options:
Does this product have a minimum selling price?
Is this to be excluded from the global mark-up?
What is the source of this product?
If external please specify name of vendor in case a purchase order is required down the links?
Does this product specific for customer?
If customer specific please specify name of customer?
Does this product appear in Quick Quote?
Would you like to make available online this cost center?